Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Irregular Verbs- Past Participles Quizzes

Hi my dear students from 8th grade!
As  I said in classes it’s time for you to start learning the verbs again, but this time paying special attention to the past participles of the verbs. Here you have the list of the verbs you need to study!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Excalibur- by Jenny Dooley

Hello there again!

As I mentioned to you in classes, the book you will have to read for the second semestre is called “Excalibur”.  Here I have some comprehension questions based on chapter 1 “The Lady of the Lake”

1.- Who was King of England?

2.- What power was given to the owner of Excalibur?

3.- Who did Uther want to see?

4.- What promise did Uther make to Merlin?

5.- What happened when Uther took hold of the sword?

6.- Why must Merlin watch over the use of the sword?

7.- Do you wear or carry around anything to bring you good luck? What is it?

Saturday, June 22, 2013

My last holiday...

Hello my dear children!

In our last classes we have been checking how to form sentences in Past Simple. Soon you will have a test about it and here I have prepared some questions for you to answer and practice your English writing skills.

a.- Where did you go on your last holiday?

b.- When did you go?

c.- What did you do?

d.- Who did you go with?

e.- How did you get there?

f.-  Where did you stay?

g.- Did you buy anything?

h.-  Did you have a good time?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

In this story written by Stevenson, he intends to discuss the topic about the weakness of human nature. He tells his readers that evil triumphs because human beings are weak-willed. In your own words answer this question:

- Does Jekyll keep changing into Hyde because Hyde is too strong, or because Jekyll craves the more interesting and exciting evil personality?

- Send your answers to my e-mail (ask for it personally)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The adventures of Tom Sawyer

Tom Sawyer is one of children’s favorite books, probably because Tom is a naughty boy who doesn't like going to school and enjoys having wonderful adventures; He is misunderstood by adults in the way that all children are. He is also a mischievous and funny boy, who is full of curiosity about the world.
           Now that you know more about Tom, finish the sentences below to win some extra points for the test!
a Tom can’t play with his friends because…
b Ben gave Tom some food because…
c Tom wanted to walk with Becky because…
d Tom didn’t drink the medicine because…
e Becky didn’t go to school because…

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Fascinating Festivals - 8th grade VERDE

First of all, I know that it is not easy to be standing in front of a lot of people, worse if it is speaking in another language. To all of you who had the courage to do it, here there is a little collection of your work. Feel proud, because it is not easy, there is still a long way to go! I hope you enjoy watching this video made by Mr John Knapp :)


Monday, April 29, 2013

Oral presentations

Hello, there!

As I explained to you in classes these are the aspects to be assessed in your oral presentations. Please, read the rubric and if you have any doubt do not hesitate in asking me.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Times you love

Students from 8th grade, here there are some questions that you have to answer. Follow the structure of the interview we checked in classes. Write a post below this comment when answering the questions please provide your name and your class. Here are the questions:

•       What’s your favourite time of the day? Why?
•       What’s your favourite day of the week? Why?
•       What’s your favourite month? Why?
•       What’s your favourite public holiday? Why?

Used to / didn't use to

In order to reinforce the application of “used to / didn’t use to” is that I have prepared some questions for you to be answered in a post. Please specify your name and class. Think when you were a little child and then answer these questions:

·         What did you use to play when you were a child?
·         What used to be your favourite food?
·         Who used to be your hero?
·         What kind of music did you use to like?
·         What TV programme did you use to watch?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My dear children, I hope you are all having a really pleasant time. I'm writing just to remind you that these are the materials I'm going to be using in my classes.

Warm regards to all of you and see you soon!

Miss Andrea Torres