7th Grade

First of all, welcome to the school and to my blog. I’m Miss Andrea Torres and I will be your teacher of English Language this year. This is my website, in it you will find some extra material to enhance your understanding of the topics learnt in classes. Additionally, you can make all the questions you need to wipe your doubts.

Enjoy browsing the pages and see you around.

Warm regards, Miss Andrea.

Hello there!

Here you have the Power Point presentation I used in my classes. Study it and if you have any doubts please do not hesitate to ask me.


Irregular Verbs

As I mentioned in classes, throughout this semestre you will have to learn some of the most important verbs in English, they will also enhance your understanding on the language, and expand your vocabulary.


Reading Assignment I

Hi, buddies!
In order to develop and improve your reading comprehension skills, you will have to read “The adventures of Tom Sawyer”, a book written by Mark Twain (American writer) in 1876. I hope you enjoy reading about the adventures of this mischievous child. 


Present Simple

Remember to use the present simple for things that are always or usually true and for repeated events. My wonderful children here you have the Power Point Presentation that will help studying the usage, formation and application of the present simple tense. Enjoy it and see you around!


Present Simple Worksheet 1

To reinforce the application of the present simple tense, here you have a worksheet that will help.  Good luck!


Present Simple Worksheet 2

Another worksheet for you to apply the forms of the present simple tense. Please, enjoy it!



Present Simple video

Hi, everyone!
I found this video and I thought it would be helpful for you to watch it :) 


I love learning English!

This class we learnt how to express our interests and preferences using words such as love, like, enjoy, hate and don't like + a verb ending in -ING. Here you have the presentation in case you missed something. 


I love learning English worksheet 1

My little buddies as a way of reinforcing how to express interests and preferences, I have created a handout for you to apply the forms of like, love, enjoy, hate and not like + verb -ing. Right below this post is the file.


What is happening?

This week we starting checking how to describe situations that are happening at the same time we are speaking. For this description we use the Present Continuous, here you have the presentation I used in classes.


Present Continuous worksheet 1

I have created a worksheet for you to practice the application of present continuous forms. Here it is!


Present Continuous video

Hello buddies!
Here you have another video based on the present continuous tense. I hope you like it!


What do you do? or What are you doing?

So far, we have identified two verbal tenses: Present Simple and Present Continuous. What is the difference between them? How do we use them? That's what we are going to explore this week. 


Present Simple or Present Continuous? worksheet 1

For our next test we are going to apply the difference between using present simple and present continuous. In case you don't remember, here you have a worksheet to reinforce and help you understand the difference between these two forms.


Living Abroad - Can and Cannot

In this lesson we are going to read and then write an e-mail expressing what things you can or cannot do in a place. Here you have the presentation. Please, enjoy it!


What can you do in Ancud?

With this class we continue practicing the application of Can and Cannot, and  improving and expanding your vocabulary. In the presentation you have a list of places that you can visit in a city. Here it is!


Can and Can't - Worksheet 1

My dear children, here I have prepared a worksheet for you to practice the use of CAN and CAN'T for expressing abilities. I hope you like it!


What are you going to do next weekend?

In English we use different verb forms to talk about our plans for the future. In this lesson, we are going to explore one of the most common way of expressing future plans. I hope you enjoy it! See you soon!


That's what friends are for

In this lesson we are going to learn some vocabulary to express our feelings and emotions. As well as talking about friendship and our best friends.Here you have the presentation, I hope you enjoy it! :)


What do they look like?

Little by little you have improved your vocabulary this semestre. In order to continue expanding and improving your English language skills, is that I prepared this class, so you can describe your favourite people in the world!


Describing people - Worksheet

Here you have a worksheet to reinforce the application of vocabulary to describe people.


High and dry

With this lesson we begin to review the contents of the second unit. Also, we will learn some interesting facts about our country and how to express past events. Here you have the file.


Was he a popular heroe?

Our second class will be based on the legend of the famous thief Robin Hood. With this legend we are going to explore the forms and usage of the past forms of the verb Be.


Past simple of verb BE- worksheet

My dear buddies, here I have created a worksheet for you to reinforce the application of the past form of the verb "TO BE". 


Did you hear anything last night?

This lesson we are reviewing the negative and interrogative forms of the regular and irregular verbs in past simple. Here you have the presentation in case you missed something!


Past simple video

Here you have a video explaining the use and form of the Past simple.

Here you have another video to help you studying!


What were you doing?

This class we are exploring how to describe actions that were happening at a certain point in the past.


Reading Assignment II

Everyone knows a little something about the legend of King Arthur and Merlin…. for the next semestre we will have the mission to discover with our own eyes the fascinating story behind the name of “Excalibur”. Here you have the link to download the book in pdf or if you don’t feel comfortable with the digital version, remember that I have the original hard copy in my classroom… just ask for it! 


Unit revision

Hello little buddies, it has been a long time without posting things here. I really hope you enjoyed your winter holidays and are now enthusiastic about starting a new semester. Here I post the PPT file I used to make the revision of contents. If you have any doubts, please don't hesitate in asking me. See you around!


Hobbies and Sports

In this class we learnt a bit more vocabulary related to sport and leisure activities, as well as polish our speaking skills.


Things used to be different

When we want to talk about our habits in the past we use the expression "used to". Here you have the PPT to study it!


Basketball is nicer than car racing

In this lesson we explored the form of making comparative sentences with short and long adjectives. In case you missed something, here you have the file!


The best thing in life

Last class we learnt how to make comparative sentences, now it is time to learn the superlative forms!


Reinforcement worksheet

My little pals here I have prepared a worksheet for you to apply the contents for the upcoming test and see what we need to improve. Good luck!


Comparatives and superlatives- video

Here you have a more interactive form of understanding how to use comparatives and superlatives!


Comparatives and superlatives Worksheet

I prepared this worksheet for you to practice the contents before you forget them! 


2 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

good mis ((;

Anonymous said...

Excellent work here teacher! congrats!

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